SAFMH is a registered Non-Profit Organisation, which works predominately in the fields of mental health advocacy and awareness. We are not a clinical organisation and do not provide any direct medical or psychological services. Whilst we can help you obtain such support through our help desk we are at heart a human rights organisation, which works with other NGOs, government and professionals to uphold the rights of mental health care users and to advocate for improvements to mental health services in South Africa.
SAFMH is a non- profit organisation that does not provide any financial support but will assist via a referral system to legal and medical professionals who can provide advice and, if possible, assist with non -financial support requested.
SAFMH does not provide any direct community-based mental health services. SAFMH is a national office and thus does not provide counselling or other types of social work, psychological or psychiatric services.
We do however have a help desk that provides information and referral service, through which we can help people obtain the necessary support from organisations who provide direct mental health services. To access this support from us you can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at
SAFMH does not provide direct community-based mental health services. SAFMH is a national office and does not run any day-care service for persons with mental health conditions.
We do however have a help desk that provides information and referral service, through which we can help people obtain the necessary support from organisations who provide direct mental health services. To access this support from us you can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at
SAFMH does not provide direct community -based mental health services. SAFMH is a national office and does not run any residential facility/facilities.
We do however have a help desk that provides information and referral service, through which we can help people obtain the necessary support from organisations who provide direct mental health services. To access this support from us you can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at
SAFMH is a national office, which does not provide direct services to the community. As such, we don’t have regular volunteering opportunities available. When we run events where volunteers might be required, we will however make a specific call for volunteers on our website and on our social media pages. We will also assist persons looking to volunteer at community level with identifying such opportunities where they might be available.
To access this support from us you can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at
You can visit your nearest clinic, general practitioner (GP) or hospital for assistance, or you can contact our offices for assistance on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at through which we can try help you identify support that might be available to you. Alternatively you can consult our list of helplines that are run by a range of organisations across South Africa by clicking on this link:
SAFMH does not run a crisis helpline.
We do however have a help desk that provides information and referral service, through which we can help you access mental health services that might be available to you. To access this support from us you can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at
SAFMH does not provide any direct community -based mental health services. SAFMH is a national office and does thus not provide counselling or other types of social work, psychological or psychiatric services.
We do however have a help desk that provides information and referral service, through which we can help people obtain the necessary support from organisations who provide direct mental health services. To access this support from us you can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at
We advocate for the rights of mental health care users through mental health awareness days, publishing press releases, representations on committees and forums, active partnership development and engagement and collaboration with government departments
We provide mental health-related information and assist people with obtaining support and services they might require for themselves or their loved ones
In a case where a person poses a danger to him- / herself or to others, an application for involuntary admission / assisted admission can be made to a hospital. The person who applies for involuntary admission will have to have seen the person in question within seven (7) days prior to the application and will need to state why they are applying for this intervention, as outlined in the Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002.
The procedure to follow for an involuntary admission is to either take the person to the closest general state hospital that has a psychiatric ward or to call for the assistance of the police to escort the person (if he / she is a danger to him- / herself or others) to the hospital. Proceed then to submit the completed MHCA04 form to the hospital.
Once at the hospital, the person should be assessed by two doctors, who should determine if hospital admission is required. When admitted, the person will be under 72-hours observation, during which it will be decided whether he / she needs further treatment. If so, they will be transferred to the closest specialized psychiatric hospital or discharged and treated as an out-patient if further immediate hospitalisation is not required.
SAFMH does not assist with or provide any funding or fundraising activities for new, emerging or existing NGOs or any other organisations or bodies.
SAFMH does not assist with setting up any new NGOs. It is recommended that anyone who wishes to establish a new NGO contact the Department of Social Development’s NPO Directorate and follow the required processes.
As SAFMH does not employ any health professionals such as psychiatrists or psychologists as part of its staff compliment, we cannot act as expert witnesses or provide testimonials of a medical nature.
SAFMH cannot represent anyone at CCMA hearings. However, SAFMH can refer or provide information on legal organisations that can assist with more information on CCMA hearings. You can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at for more information on this.
SAFMH cannot represent anyone in court as we are not a provider of legal services. We can however try and assist you with obtaining legal support pertaining to human rights violations. You can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at for more information on this.
SAFMH is a national office with 17 constituent Mental Health Societies located in all nine provinces across South Africa. We deal with strategic mental health issues, while the Mental Health Societies deliver direct community-based mental health services. You can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at for more information on this.
SAFMH does not offer any employment opportunities for persons with mental disabilities. We also don’t operate as a recruitment agency for persons with mental disabilities. We can however provide information about recruitment agencies for persons with disabilities. You can contact us on +27 (0) 11 781 1852 or at for more information on this.
A Mental Health Society is a community-based mental health organisation that delivers direct community-based mental health services. Mental Health Societies are constituents of the SA Federation for Mental Health, and there are 17 of these organisations located across South Africa. There is at least one Mental Health Society in each of South Africa’s nine provinces.
You can contact SAFMH offices at to enquire about available pamphlets / flyers. There is a handling fee and a specified limit of pamphlets / flyers that can be ordered.